Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Typical South Indian Day

The other day, while coming back up the mountain, my bus got hit by a jeep. The crash was quick and left only minor damage (a broken headlight and dented frame). This little accident, however, quickly turned into quite the scene. After only a few moments a crowd of about thirty men appeared from who knows where to ‘take care of the situation’. Ahem, determine who was at fault. Abruptly, a cloud of smoke, lungis, and Tamil profanities appeared in the middle of the one-lane mountain road. Since my understanding of Tamil is clean and simple, there was nothing to do but wait. And wait we did.

Every once and awhile, the driver and his team would get back on the bus ready to get on the road. Then, one of his team member’s anger reignited and they all ran back out to fight a little more. An hour later, after hundreds of Tamil words had been uttered and 1000 rupees exchanged, we merrily got on our way. Here's to another typical South Indian day!

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