Friday, March 19, 2010

Boys Will Be Boys

Walking down a busy city street in India, it is not uncommon to run across the occasional group of police officers. Representing a long history of corruption and violence, these men are the epitome of power, class, and, well, power. It was surprising, however, to see two such men walking down the street, twirling their batons, and linking pinkies. Once I noticed the first couple of very close men, I quickly saw them everywhere. All around me were 'men who like to hang out with other men'.

Since Kodaikanal is a tourist destination, every weekend the town is crammed with Indian tourists paddle boating, horsebackriding, and enjoying the crisp mountain air. Most of these vacationers, however, are men. These gentlemen come up the mountain sporting cowboy hats and handlebar moustaches to vacation with their friends, ride bicycles around the lake, and catcall at a few unsuspecting women. At first it's a bit odd seeing a group of rowdy young men taking photographs of each other while paddle boating in Mickey Mouse boats. But, just like everything else, you eventually get used to it.

The other day, however, I got a little insight into just how early this phenomenon starts. One of my little preschool boys came up to me and said, "Teachah, Teachah! Abhi kissed me!" I look at Abhi, another three-year-old gentleman, and he gives me a look of satisfaction. To complete the action he follows up with, "well, I like" To this, just like all other instances of 'men who like to hang out with other men' I have come across, I simply let it slide. What this means exactly I don't know. I guess I'll never understand this boy-girl-boy stuff. All I know is, Indian boys don't seem to think Indian boys have cooties.

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