Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sunday Market

Overflowing with a dreaminess that only first day jetlag can provide, I decided to explore and make my way towards Kodai’s Sunday market. Walking down the steep hill, I am instantly reminded of the sensory overload that is India. Amidst all the bright colors, unfamiliar smells, honking horns, and bustling activity, I can tell that this is a place that I want to be a part of, and is a weekly activity I can fully embrace. For this special occasion, everyone dresses in their Sunday best, not necessarily for church, but for the weekly ritual of seeing all the people of the community. Walking along the countless stands selling fruit, spices, earmuffs, and who knows what else, I can’t help wishing I already speak Tamil. My Hindi skills won’t be useful here because the Tamil pride has been so fervently embraced that even India’s linguafranca, Hindi, is not applicable here. Needless to say, despite the language barrier, I am truly happy to be spending time in this little place in the mountains that despite its location still cannot escape the ever-present honking of car horns.

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